基多由印第安人始建于11世纪,15世纪末成为印加帝国的都城。基多老城是拉美地区保存最好的殖民城市,也是联合国教科文组织唯一一个城市级别的世界遗产,被誉为“安第斯大博物馆”。参观弗朗西斯大教堂、圣弗朗西斯科修道院、圣多明各修道院、拉孔帕尼亚大教堂、梅尔市教堂,等, 接着前往位于城市南端的面包山 (Panecillo),海拔183米,山顶上有一座大型基多女神石雕像(Monumento a la Virgen de Quito),被誉为基多人民争取独立自由的象征。在山顶可以俯瞰整个基多城的景观。
“The Galapagos experience was absolutely amazing. Not just the abundant sea life and incredible spots, but also your professionalism and passion for your work turned my trip into an unforgettable holiday.”
“The trip to the Galapagos was really fantastic! Although it was quite short, the trip itinerary made time for us to do quite a lot of things. Everything went very smoothly, too.”