75个,米兰-北京航线的运载能力可提升32%。A350客机拥有32个商务舱座位,提供高端服务;高级经济舱24个座位以及经济舱256个座位。 国航希望以A350-900的入列为重要契机和崭新起点,通过……
the world's canals to cut a new path. In the process it shows the world a fabled canal of China; on……
因此我们大胆地推出 Give A Flake活动。这不仅是一句广告标语,更是呼吁所有人行动起来的呐喊。众志成城就能够发出强有力的声音,并以此来改变世界。 Give A Flake 首先关注气候变化……
tourists as an invitation to have a free experience and enjoy a wonderful life.176 Hangzhou Ch……
e festival the tourism slogan of A port of the ancient Silk Road, a city of pleasure slogan could be……
g the National Day Holiday. 80% of giant pandas, a natural heritage, throughout the world live in S……
r off work, and combine the two holidays to make a 16-day-long break, the longest combined break re……
and has become a hit on Sina Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, after releasing a post saying Tu……
联合启动Delta Sky Way计划:达美航空将投资18.6亿美元,对洛杉矶国际机场的2号和3号航站楼及汤姆布兰得利国际航站楼(航站楼 B)进行现代化改造升级并联通,项目工程预计将于今年秋天开工。……