by Chinese travellers abroad last year, a 53% jump from a 2014considerably higher than the $137……
在智能手机的时代,相机作为一种独立的设备正逐渐淡出人们的视野。但是这个伟大的发明应该被人们所记住并继续使用,为此,英国维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Mus……
Chinese travellers abroad last year, a 53 per cent jump from a year earlierconsiderably higher th……
e. The company put out flyers with a dancing, winking figure in a Union Jack t-shirt, under the slog……
美国史密森尼博物院(Smithsonian Institution)日前宣布将与英国维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum,简称VA博物馆)合作,在V……
attract the Chinese travelers. I was thinking of a holiday destination because my 13-year-old daugh……
e, a new report finds that brands trying to reach a majority of them should still look to Asia. A to……
generate a revenue of 146 billion Baht from July to September, while they also expected a total of……
ic growth. Chi said in a statement that the route came about as a result of a collaborative partners……
当中逾85%喜以FIT或包团方式外游。 展会将于2016年6月16至19日在香港会议展览中心(1A-1E展馆)举行。展会首两天(16至17日)为专业日,业内人士需办理登记入场,其后两日(18至19日)……