lier due to a drop in Chinese tourists, Thailands largest number of visitors following a Thai crackd……
Kevin Bowler said in the report said a total of 3.3 million visitors came to New Zealan……
Davao, a report is the third largest source market of Philippine tourism, with a total i……
Suren Ratwatte looks on during a news conference in a bid to attract more tourists fr……
s but I am at a loss to understand it then the tour groups have visited on a regular basis……
10月28日,北京,阿根廷旅游推介路演告一段落,但中国游客对阿根廷的喜爱却在不断加码。对于来自中方业者的反馈,阿根廷驻华大使馆公使胡安卡洛斯帕斯(Juan Carlos Paz, Minis……
nterested on Chinese tourists because they spend a lot, they come for eight to ten days and they al……
香港人民对阿根廷(Argentina)最是熟悉不过了,要知道哥哥张国荣和伟仔梁朝伟那一部尽人皆知的电影《春光乍泄》,就是在它的首都布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)发生的故事。所以,……
ncy quoted Chung. MCP is a subsidiary of Melco Crown Entertaintment Ltd., a joint venture of Macau g……