that it has become a norm for the middle class to travel abroad at least once a year. China is stil……
坤阁下(H.E. Dr. THONG KHON)一行,双方就进一步加强中柬旅游合作深入交换了意见。 李金早局长说,近年来中柬旅游合作呈现快速发展的良好势头。2016年中国公民赴柬埔寨83万人次,同比……
ss through its port in September 2013. Currently a total of 38 China-Europe train routes pass throu……
. The marketing body has also planned to produce a destination video specifically for the Chinese m……
国柬埔寨旅游部(Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia)部长唐坤先生(H.E. Dr. THONG KHON),中国国家旅游局领导,陕西省政府、省旅游发展委、省外办领导,柬埔……
早在今年4月,英国第二大国立博物馆维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum,简称VA博物馆)就对外宣布,博物馆计划建立一个全新的摄影中心,为广大爱好者们……
与柬埔寨旅游部(Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia)部长唐坤先生(H.E. Dr. THONG KHON)会面; 掌握柬埔寨丰富的旅游资源和签证政策、航班连线、酒店信息,……
s like Dufry and Aer Rianta International are in a strong position to make easy gains from the cont……
abroad was MAD 22.86 billion by the end of May, a 0.7 percent increase from last years MAD 22.7 bi……
ador is now a destination for projects with global reach. Without a doubt, this opens a new gateway……