accommodate for this influx of travel used to be the only way for Chinese tourists t……
ricella, CEO of Luxe Travel Hawaii, launched high-end customized Hawaii travel for Chinese tourists……
attended outdoor camps. The surge in students traveling to the United States for the summer is the……
minance of the business-travel market, the USA-based Global Business Travel Association said in its……
urists to Kazakhstan, he of International Cooperation Department of Kazakhstan Minis……
e argued as being strictly speaking not international travelling. This will however not stop destina……
mand for business travel since executives from domestic enterprises need to travel outside the count……
e Chinese outbound travel market, where over 4,500 Chinese tour operators and travel agents attend.……
ng Jinjiang International Travel, FASCO, Guangdong CYTS, as well as those senior travelers who want……
nese travel agencies, including China International Tourism Service Ltd and China Youth Travel Serv……