British travelers said budget was a primary factor when planning a trip. Chinese travelers allocated……
上月末,英国维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum,简称VA博物馆)举办中国之夜(Friday Late: Sino Flux)。中国艺术家徐蕊受邀向……
Li Baochun, executive deputy secretary-general of WTCF, said according to studies, Southeast As……
said. Becoming a new force in overseas traveling, Chinese tourists have to spend a lot of time and……
ovide more than 1,000 Camden Market vendors with a software update that enables in-store payment te……
办,2017年柬埔寨旅游交易会(CTM)在吴哥文化之都暹粒盛大开幕。 柬埔寨旅游部长唐坤阁下(H.E. Dr. Thong Khon)出席开幕仪式并致辞,高度肯定柬埔寨近年来旅游业的发展,对参加此次……
and tour companies across the , a hot destionation for Chinese, saw the number of……
熊维尼的永恒经典。《小熊维尼:探索一个经典》Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic2017年12月9日2018年4月8日 《嘭,嘭,嘭》(Bump, Bump,……
CEMS beijing INTERNATIONAL travel mart 2017国家会议中心E4馆2017/11/16 - 18 2017 诚挚邀请您成为2017赛美斯北京国际旅游交易会专……