irbus A380 flights on the Beijing to Frankfurt route to three a week from the previous once a week.……
world with a successful and unforgettable World Exposition. The Shanghai Expo received a total numb……
z, Minister of TT TradeIndustry was delivering a Stephen Cadiz also said China ha……
off a mega-bash that culminated five days later with a spirited horse race. The party was such a rip……
o-Canadian Tourism Destination in brief, turning a new page of the history of Sino-Canadian tourism……
o-Canadian Tourism Destination in brief, turning a new page of the history of Sino-Canadian tourism……
据悉,阿联酋航空近日宣布将于2010年10月1日启用A380客机执飞香港-曼谷-迪拜航线。A380客机将执飞现有的EK 384/385航班。 EK385将于每晚22:25(当地时间,下同)从香港国际机……