Red Sea governor Ahmed Abdullah has called on Chinese tourists to visit Red Sea resorts, pointing t……
ustomers and tourists to experience a wonderful lifeHangzhou Characteristic Leisure Demonstration……
ALIPAY, the worlds largest mobile and online payment and lifestyle platform operated by Ant Fin……
ich includes food, photography, weddings, civic life and so on. Bugeja thinks that the Mediterranean……
t over the sea, and a Movies Under the Stars program on the largest outdoor screen at is……
A visitor consults a medical service agency for overseas treatment and healthcare at an interna……
在2015年世博会取得巨大成功之后,米兰SEA机场集团设立了移动中心,为行动不便的旅客提供电动代步车和手动轮椅的租赁服务。该服务在米兰马尔彭萨机场(Milan Malpensa Airport)的一……
网络,其中针对意大利市场的主要合作方为Orientalia Lab. 2015欢迎中国旅游者奖是SEA公司继去年荣获中国驻意大利领事馆和中意基金会共同颁发的中国奖项后的又一大殊荣,再次证明了米兰机场……
igh Life云尚》的中文版。自六月份起,英国航空公司将每个季度推出一期中文版《High Life云尚》杂志,搭乘北京、上海和成都前往伦敦的旅客将在航班上看到这本杂志。《High Life云尚》以……