operators to strengthen understanding. Chinese MICE market is very important for Lisbon, so hosting……
夜间,MICE考察团体验了入住酒店,并发回精彩实况。 罗卡角是来自全世界的游客都喜欢拍照打卡的胜地,考察团自然也不例外辛特拉的建筑十分唯美,为里斯本明信片加分不少 附近的海岸线风光大好MICE考察团……
which supported the MICE Onboard 2 track, said, Supporting the first Asian MICE Cruise Conference i……
established MICE programmenetwork in Japan and wish to raise the awareness of our MICE and DMC sol……
Mandy Torrens, Senior Exhibitions Director, IBTMCould you please introduce IBTM? IBTM is part……
w awareness among organisers and companies that MICE events can be organised easily and held success……
Global MICE CitiesFukuoka, Hiroshima, Kobe, Nagasaki, Osaka, Sapporoto meet eager MICE and Ass……
在葡萄牙流行一句话,没有看过里斯本的人等于没有见过美景。 里斯本,葡萄牙的首都,欧洲大陆最西端的城市,老欧洲的文化堡垒、新世界的起航锚地,陆地消失、海洋开始的地方这座百岁高龄的古城保留着最原……
neo Reyes also gave a brief introduction of the MICE tourism for the media. The Philippines is an tr……
ism MICE of INPROTUR shared that Buenos Aires was an ideal destination in South America for MICE tou……