Visitors from China and the United States boosted tourism spending in New Zealand by 17.1 perce……
rism resources in AspenSnowmass, so to help Chinese tour operators more effectively to sale touri……
ve pinned Chinese tourists for great business opportunities by making full use of Chinese holidays……
goods outside of the Chinese mainland, according to Exane BNP Paribas. Chinese tourists currently c……
or Chinese tourists to get visas in order to boost spending, analysts number of Chinese vi……
ut this year. Of that total, nearly 2 million Chinese are expected to come over during this year's……
ng Chinese-language websites, launching Chinese New Year campaigns, offering discounts to Chinese to……
22 Chinese visitors that come here, another job is created in tourism. So high-spending Chinese vis……
hange rate makes it very favourable for them (Chinese tourists) to come, inbound and outbound manag……
ative, the United States expects revenue from Chinese tourists will increase from the current $21 b……