品葡萄酒的不凡魅力。 精彩大师班在主题为「里奥哈葡萄酒的多样性」的大师班上,Wine to Asia深圳国际酒展邀请了行业经验丰富的里奥哈认证讲师李挺山为现场观众授课,带来了关于西班牙的风土、酿造……
家将品鉴到上百款风格多样的优质酒款,并参与精彩纷呈的里奥哈主题大师班。2023 Wine to Asia深圳国际葡萄酒及烈酒展览会Shenzhen International WineSpirit……
art and culture. On 29 October, the hotel was decorated as an Art Palace, with a contemporary art……
(右)亲自向来访买家介绍乌克兰旅游优势和旅行社主要业务泛乌克兰旅行社与ITB Asia买家及业内观众合影ITB Asia每年一届,为期3天,面向全球旅游业代表、主要会议活动场馆和高规格论坛的创始人。……
8日,泛乌克兰旅行社(Pan Ukraine Tour Operator)将在新加坡参展ITB Asia 2019,借助这一全球最大的旅游展览会,展示乌克兰的旅游魅力,招徕更多国际游客访乌。地址:新加……
China is willing to implement an Asia tourism promotion plan with other countries, President Xi Jinp……
aysia is the second largest market in Southeast Asia for Chinese tourists spending over Chinese New……
as in line with the target for enhancing Europe-Asia interconnectivity, and Portugal hoped to take a……
t is happening outside our country. Over at CTW Asia-Pacific, the corporate travel-centric conferenc……
Genting Cruise Lines; Farriek Tawfik, Southeast Asia Director, Princess Cruises; and Svend Dalgaard,……