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中国对非洲旅游业的投资将进一步快速增长,多个行业部门之间的合作也将更加紧密。这是Capital Horizon首席执行官Jon Danks上周在北京举行的第十七届中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM2024)上发表的观点。

Chinese investment into the African tourism industry is set to grow, with greater collaboration across many industry sectors.  That was the opinion of Jon Danks, Chief Executive of Capital Horizon, speaking during the China Outbound Travel and Tourism Market (COTTM) held in Beijing last week.




中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM)由塔苏斯(上海)展览有限公司(隶属于英富曼集团旗下)主办,致力于推动中国出境旅游行业的发展、并为全球旅游资源与中国出境旅游业者进行对接。展会同期,COTTM全新推出了“出境旅游投资&发展论坛“,为中国投资者提供寻求行业新机遇的平台。Jon Danks在参与了COTTM2023之后,又再一次被邀请出席本次的出境旅游投资&发展论坛,并向业界分享非洲的投资机会。此次论坛紧随20249月在北京举行的中非合作论坛(FOCAC)的步伐,强调了中国与非洲之间新的金融承诺和联系。在COTTM出境投资论坛上,Jon Danks利用了其数十年与非洲私营企业和旅游与投资的政府机构合作的经验,为中国出境旅游业者提供了宝贵的指导意见。

COTTM is hosted by Informa markets and is dedicated to driving and connecting the outbound China travel industry and featured a forum for Chinese investors looking to explore new opportunities.  The Investment and Development forum invited Danks to showcase opportunities in Africa after his visit to the Beijing event in 2023. It also followed the recent Forum on Chinese and African Cooperation (FOCAC) held in Beijing in September 2024 that underlined new financial commitments and ties between China and the continent of Africa.   During the COTTM Investment Forum, Danks presented essential guidance and advice for Chinese industry, utilising decades of experience of working with both the African private sector, and established government tourism and investment authorities.  




Capital Horizon为有意在非洲拓展业务或扩大规模的中国企业提供中立的咨询支持。本公司现有全新的非洲投资项目涵盖坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚、南非、卢旺达等地的非洲企业,并承诺为中国企业家寻求新的、定制化的投资机会。Capital Horizon是由两家历史悠久的公司合伙成立的。其中一方是总部位于上海的Dalmore International,专注于组织商务旅游;另一方是非洲旅游协会(ATTA)前首席执行官Jon Danks。在与许多非洲政府及当地800多个品牌建立联系后,Danks先生在论坛结束后评论道COTTM期间的商务对接质量非常出色。我们为中国企业提供了支持和咨询服务,帮助他们了解非洲大陆的潜力、复杂性和增长机会。来自中国投资界的反馈预示着许多行业和国家将迎来新的投资环境。能与许多新的中国投资者会面,并与驻北京的几家非洲政府使馆的同事重聚,我深感荣幸。” 

Capital Horizon offer impartial consulting support for Chinese businesses looking to venture or expand in Africa.  Their new, ready-made African investment portfolio spans African businesses across Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, Rwanda and they promise to source new, bespoke opportunities for Chinese entrepreneurs.  Capital Horizon is a partnership formed from two established companies, Dalmore International, based in Shanghai that specialise in business tourism facilitation arrangements, and Danks, the former Chief Executive Officer of the African Travel and Tourism Association (ATTA).  With relationships forged from working across many African government connections, and over 800 brands in Africa, Danks commented after the event.  “The quality of business connection during COTTM was outstanding. We provided support and consulting needs for businesses in China looking to unpack the power, complexity and opportunity for growth on the continent of Africa.  The feedback from the China investment community heralds a new investment climate across many sectors and countries.  It was an honour to meet many new Chinese investors, and reconnect with colleagues from several African government embassies, located here in Beijing.” 




COTTM项目总监卿清晖女士代表主办方表示:“COTTM出境旅游投资&发展论坛致力于为寻求海外投资、发展的中国文旅企业品牌和旅游投资者与境外项目方会面搭建一个“出海”的商业平台。我们很高兴再次邀请到Danks先生,在非洲业务上提供支持。我们期待与Capital Horizon合作,为中国带来更多非洲投资项目。我们的目标是向海外目的地输出中国品牌、成熟旅游行业解决方案、先进技术和制造设备等,最终帮助目的地提高产品质量和旅行者在当地的体验。 

Speaking on behalf of the event, COTTM Project Director Qinghui Qing said “COTTM outbound Investment Forum is dedicated to building a business platform for Chinese hospitality brands and tourism investors who are seeking to invest, develop overseas, and meet with project parties. We were very delighted to again host Danks and support many businesses from Africa and look forward to working together with Capital Horizon to bring more African projects for investment from China.  We aim to export Chinese matured tourism industry solutions, advanced technologies, and manufacturing equipment to overseas destinations, ultimately, to help destinations to increase the quality of products”.  




COTTM一直专注于中国出境旅游行业的长期发展,并将于2025424- 26日再次在北京举行。

COTTM is committed to supporting the long-term growth of the outbound China travel industry and will again be held in Beijing from 24th – 26th April 2025.

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