首先我要推荐墨西哥城,墨西哥城的古老可以追溯到印第安人时期,它的前身是1325年建立的特诺奇拉兰城,它的创建者阿兹特克人在这里创造了辉煌的文明。他们填湖建城、修筑水道,建起了一座座宏伟壮丽的庙宇、宫殿,整个城市相当繁华。1521年西班牙入侵后,又修筑了许多欧洲式宫殿、教堂、修道院等建筑物。这些混和了欧洲和印地安风格的建筑,大都还健在。现在的墨西哥城既保留了浓郁的民族文化色彩,又是一座绚丽多姿的现代化城市。我要推荐的第二个地方就是坎昆,它是一座位于加勒比海北部的海滨旅游城市,海水清澈透明,沙滩是白色的。这在世界上是独一无二的。它被誉为世界第七大休闲度假胜地。在距坎昆130公里处还有图伦遗址,这是迄今墨西哥保存最好的一座玛雅和托尔特克人的古城。 中国游客可以先到墨西哥城旅游然后再到坎昆。
Ambassador of Mexico: Mr Li Ziwen
First, I will recommend Mexico City. The history of Mexico City can be traced back to the Indian period. Its predecessor is Tenochititlan which was built in 1325. Here, Aztecan — the builder of the city, created a grand civilization. They filled lakes for building city, constructed water courses and put up many glorious temples and palaces. The whole city is quite flourishing at that time. After Spain invaded here, the Spanish built many European-style palaces, churches and monasteries. Up till now, the constructions, which mixed European and Indian characteristics together, still exist. Nowadays, Mexico City is a big modern city, while still keep a deep national cultural feature.
The other place I want to say is Cancun. It is a seaside tourism city located in the north of the Caribbean Sea. Here , the sea is clear and the beaches are white. I t is called the seventh of top destinations for spending holidays in the world.